Here is the link to this week's Superintendent Report for Beaverton Schools. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
"Kickin' it 4 Kids -- Healthy Feet/Healthy Kids" provided all of our elementary students with a new pair of shoes. A special thanks to all of our volunteers - they did a great job at distributing and fitting our students. A huge THANK YOU to the Sacred Heart Mission and Yvette Keast for arranging and providing this great event. Proud to be a Beaver!
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Celebrating Dar Grove's birthday at the BAC. Dar has walked a surpassed the 2000 mile mark today. Proud to be a Beaver!
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Here is the link for this week's Beaverton Schools Superintendent report. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Here is the link for this week's Superintendent report. Have a blessed holiday weekend!
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
The Board of Education officially adopted the 2022-2023 academic calendar at the Board meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022. A copy of the calendar can be found at the link listed below.
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Good evening Beaverton Community, For the 2021-2022 school year, we had nine days of school closure due to severe weather. The state allows for six non-instructional days before a district must make up lost time. We applied to the State of Michigan for relief of the three additional days and we were awarded the relief. This means that we will not have to make up any days beyond what was scheduled. Assuming we do not have any more days of closure ... our last day of school will be a half day of school on Wednesday, June 8. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Forgiveness letter
Here is the link to this week's Beaverton Schools Superintendent report. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
The Central Michigan District Health Department has released information pertaining to their COVID-19 walk-in clinics for the month of April 2022. FYI, they are offering second booster doses for those who qualify.
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
COVID Clinics
Welcome Kindergarten Round-Up Class of 2035! The staff here at Beaverton Elementary School is eager to meet our newest kindergarten students and their families. Our Kindergarten Round-Up dates will be held on June 1st & 2nd of 2022. Please see the attached flyer for more information. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
about 2 years ago, Renee Inscho
K & Young 5 Round-Up Flyer
We have attached the draft 2022-2023 school calendar to assist with future planning. The Board of Education will vote on this topic at the April 11, 2022 Board meeting. As it stands now, the draft school calendar for 2022-23 school year will start on Aug. 22, two Mondays before Labor Day and end on June 1, 2023. You may notice one major change. We have gone away from the weekly early release schedule on Wednesdays. This will allow us to have more full day trainings spread out throughout the school year. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
22-23 draft
Dear Parents/Guardians, We are into the last quarter of the 2021-2022 school year! Hopefully, our students and staff experienced a relaxing Spring Break and are eager to return. We are thrilled to welcome all of you back as we continue learning and growing! We included a few pics to show off just a few updates that happened over break. The primary purpose for this round of bond work is to renovate and upgrade schools and school facilities, to replace school furniture when they reach the end of their useful life, and to upgrade technology. The bond work is necessary to assure that the schools and school facilities are up-to-date and in good working order. It was designed to protect the community’s investment in its schools. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
The campus is buzzing with a lot of work happening. Thank you voters for making this all a reality! Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break! #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Friday, March 25, 2022 To all Parents/Guardians, This post is to inform you that all schools went into secure mode this morning. Our schools are committed to the safety and education of all of our students. We also want to clearly communicate with parents about safety issues when they arise. Today’s secure mode protocol was implemented as a proactive preventive measure. The situation was resolved quickly with no further issues of concern. This was a collaborative effort between the schools and the Beaverton City Police Department. Sometimes, secure mode and/or lockdown situations can cause fear. Please discuss this situation with your children and let us know if any follow-up is needed. Thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to call either building if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Renee Inscho, Elementary Principal
about 2 years ago, Renee Inscho
Good evening Beaverton. Tomorrow, Friday March 25, 2022, Beaverton Schools will have a half day of school for students. Elementary will release at 11:30am and Junior/Senior High School release at 11:45am. This will be our last day of school before the Spring Break. We wish everyone a wonderful Spring Break and school will resume on Monday, April 4, 2022. Have a great evening. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
1/2 day
Way to go Becca! #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Here is the link for this week's Beaverton Schools Superintendent Report. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
sup report
Here is the link for this week's Beaverton Schools Superintendent Report. #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
CTE ... It's Working! Austin Sheets and a student from a neighboring district working on the Beaver Mascot Project! #GoBeavers
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua
Preferred Mode of Communication Survey As a partner, Beaverton Schools is asking our families to complete a brief survey to let us know how you would prefer to stay up-to-date on school related information. Please fill out this quick 2 minute survey by clicking the link below!
about 2 years ago, Joseph Passalacqua